Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Life is calling......how far will you go?"

These words have adorned the wall of my dorm or apartment since the beginning of sophomore year. On my way back to Wash U after the summer, I tore an ad for the Peace Corps out of an in-flight magazine and have had it up ever since. The ad features a little hut surrounded by a rain forest and mountains - complete isolation, but boy what a view! As my departure date draws near, I'm remembering this inspirational poster and how I've wanted to do this for so long.

So much has changed, even just in the past 2 months. It's been tough to keep my balance. And now, here I am about to embark on a crazy adventure with absolutely NO CLUE what's in store for me! Each day slips by faster than the last, and I'm down to one more week here with family and friends.

So...in light of this terrifying realization, I'm trying to get back to the original purpose of all of this: to serve people in need (no matter how small my contribution my seem), to challenge myself to grow and learn to survive on my own in a foreign environment, to share myself with a new group of people, and to open myself up to receive their culture and what they have to share.

It sounds pretty idealistic, but what's a girl to do in this crazy world? Gotta start somewhere...life is calling!

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